1. Create Task Lists 
  • Draw up a list of materials /equipment required for the activity /promotional material
  • Create a file for all even related activities and accounts (physical file or maintained and shared online)
  • Break down the overall goal into smaller, manageable tasks. 
  • Create a checklist or task list outlining each task that needs to be completed.
  • Prioritise tasks that are most important and urgent, and allocate resources accordingly. 
  • Ensure complete account is maintained on revenue and expenses (Format to be created)
  • For every cost item two quotations need to be obtained and documented

     2. Delegate Responsibilities

  • Identify points of contact within the school community (teachers /students) and assign responsibilities Identify and list out members of the community who could help.
  • Assign specific tasks to individuals or small groups based on their skills, interests, and availability. 
  • Offer assistance and support to those carrying out tasks. 
  • Make sure they have access to any resources or information they may need to complete their tasks effectively.
  • Identify a leader / secretary for the committee / team who will be designated EVENT CHAMPION
  • Make sure to communicate expectations clearly.
   3. Assign deadlines

  • Establish deadlines for each task to keep the project on track. 
  • Be realistic about the time required for each task and consider any dependencies between tasks.
4. Monitor Progress 

  • Keep track of how tasks are progressing and address any issues or delays promptly. 
  • Maintain open communication channels to keep everyone informed of progress, changes, and any issues that arise. (This can be done through meetings, emails, or messaging apps).
  • Adjust plans if necessary to ensure the project stays on course.

Last modified: Friday, 31 May 2024, 9:51 PM