Save water

Save water

by Dharanidhar Sethi -
Number of replies: 1

water is a very essential for a human need and is a non renewable resource and can be finshed if future. 75%of eatrh is covered with water out of which only 3% is fit for drinking but with this industrialisation and globalisation human are not taking proper care of natural resources due to which people mainly of urban population are suffering from many waterbone deasises and mainly by water scarcity . So we need to consume less amount of water to make them a sustainable resource which can be used by further generation.

In reply to Dharanidhar Sethi

Re: Save water

by Pratibha Kaushik -

True. Water is an essential element and must be used sparingly. I am surprised why we are not thinking towards managing the flood waters and using it. This will help in bringing balance between the flood and drought areas and help the country to overcone this persistent problem in a favourable way. 

Most of the water is wasted in household activities also which must be brought down to minimum and that is only possible if the next generation is made aware of the problem and motivated to act accordingly.