conventional energy resources like fossil fuels,Natural Gas are limited and depleting fast.So conservation of energy resources and switching to renewable energy resources is the urgent need of the hour.sare depleting very fast

conventional energy resources like fossil fuels,Natural Gas are limited and depleting fast.So conservation of energy resources and switching to renewable energy resources is the urgent need of the hour.sare depleting very fast

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 4

Conventional energy resources such as  fossil fuels,Natural Gas,Coals etc. are very limited and on account of reckless exploitation , their reserves are depleting day by day.Before they are fully exhausted,we have to switch over to renewable energy resources like Hydro-electricity ,wind energy, Solar energy, Tidal energy,Hot-spring energy etc.

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Re: conventional energy resources like fossil fuels,Natural Gas are limited and depleting fast.So conservation of energy resources and switching to renewable energy resources is the urgent need of the hour.sare depleting very fast

by Vishali Kaushal -

For the sustainable development of the conventional resources , switching over to non conventional energy resources is the need of the hour. Non conventional resources like wind energy ,solar energy,ocean thermal energy,geo thermal energy all have a lot of potential and should be used till the optimum potential.

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Re: conventional energy resources like fossil fuels,Natural Gas are limited and depleting fast.So conservation of energy resources and switching to renewable energy resources is the urgent need of the hour.sare depleting very fast

by Pratibha Kaushik -

I think there is a need to make people aware to choose wisely and not according to the price as a little more cost at the beginning like in installing solar panels will give us a lot more benefits later and will be long lasting also. 

In reply to Deleted user

Re: conventional energy resources like fossil fuels,Natural Gas are limited and depleting fast.So conservation of energy resources and switching to renewable energy resources is the urgent need of the hour.sare depleting very fast

by Pratibha Kaushik -

I think there is a need to make people aware to choose wisely and not according to the price as a little more cost at the beginning like in installing solar panels will give us a lot more benefits later and will be long lasting also. 

In reply to Pratibha Kaushik

Re: conventional energy resources like fossil fuels,Natural Gas are limited and depleting fast.So conservation of energy resources and switching to renewable energy resources is the urgent need of the hour.sare depleting very fast

by Vanaja Indurthi -
Irrespective of cost factors we need to look for non conventional sources of in the national/global interest keeping in mind the requirements of future generations